Navigation-Driven Approximate Convex Decomposition source/demo program

Source build instructions

The code for this project is integrated into the Unreal Engine. You won't need to build the entire engine, but you will need to access its source code and set up its build system. To do so:
  1. Join the Unreal Engine github, by following the instructions here
  2. Download the Unreal Engine ue5-main branch (note you must have followed the first step and be logged in to GitHub to see this project)
  3. Run the Setup script and then the GenerateProjectFiles script.
  4. Build the GeometryProcessing program. For Visual Studio, here is a screenshot showing where you can find it in the Solution Explorer
Once you're set to build the project, try running the algorithm with r=5%, t=5% by using the command line arguments: "-alg NavACD -stats -r .05 -t .05 -input path/to/input.obj -output path/to/output.obj". If you'd like to read/modify the algorithm's source code, the entry point for the algorithm is in NavACD.cpp, and the algorithm itself lives in ConvexDecomposition3.cpp.

Pre-built version

I hope to release a pre-built windows binary soon.